Jeet Finance Info

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Capital Market 1

1-The first ticker window, by default, displays all the _____________ traded in the future & option segment. 
A. Derivatives contract. 
B. Nifty securities. 
C. Mid cap Securities. 
D. Nifty junior stocks. 

2-The ticker selection facility is confined to the securities of ______________ segment only. 
A. Derivative market. 
B. Capital market. 
C. Commodity market. 
D. Auction market. 

3-The message window enables the user to view messages broadcast by the__________ such as corporate actions, any market news etc. 
A. Exchange. 
B. RBI. 

4-The one line market information displayed in the market watch screen is for current best price orders available in the _______________ . 
A. Odd lot book. 
B. RETDEBT book. 
C. Regular lot book. 
D. Auction order book 

5-One of the best features of NEAT software is that the user has the facility to set up___ securities in the market watch. 
A. 100 
B. 150 
C. 500 
D. 400 

6-The purpose of market by price is to enable the user to view ________________ in the market aggregated at each price & is displayed in order of best prices. 
A. Outstanding orders. 
B. Outstanding auctions. 
C. Outstanding buyers. 
D. Outstanding sellers 

7-Bank Guarantee  can be submitted as NSCCL by trading member
C.Additional base capital 
D.None of these

8-A depository is an entity where securities of the investors are held in   
A.Physical form 
B.Electronic and physical 
C.Electronic form 
D.None of the above 

9-Member wise margin  payment  status report is a 
D.None of the above

10.If .....attempts are made by user to log on with an incorrect password then the user is automatically disabled 